Thursday, November 26, 2009

Weight gain – causes of obesity

There are different causes of obesity. The immediate cause is imbalance in food consumption. When you consume more usable calories than you discards as waste, there is bound to be excess. family gene (inheritance) and our environment also contribute to obesity

Stomach (central) obesity is causes by overeating and carefree lifestyle. Here people eat and drink as they like without control. Hence the side effect of some drug can cause obesity

stomach obesity has higher risk of heart diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypertension among others. For more detail on how to lose weight check this out

There are difference in the ways that fat are stored in the peoples. In women, the female sex hormone causes fat to be stored in the buttocks, thighs and hips. The sex hormone of men let the fat to be stored in their belly. When women get to menopause, the estrogen produced by their ovaries declines, what happen is that fat migrate from their buttocks, thighs and hips to their waists; but latter, fat is stored in the belly

The people who has pot belly are often classified as those that are well fed in some country or city. They are conspicuous around, in the street, along the road, in the school in the party just name it. Some of these people find themselves in the situation they met themselves, some cause their situation to be as it is, while some do not know why they are in such situation.

Whatsoever situation you find yourself, you want to lose that weight, and a solution to that is at your door step.

The first solution is that you need aerobic exercise,
The second solution is that you need a healthy diet that can prevent general obesity These two methods is the genuine way to prevent obesity.

There is a common confusion: that spot exercise, that is, exercising a specific muscle or location of the body can effectively burns fat at the desired location, but this is not true. Spot exercise is beneficial for building specific muscles, but it has little effect on fat in that area of the body, or on the body's distribution of fat.

There are general view that those that drink a lot of beer develop pot belly. And those that does not drink beer may have little risk of developing it. Finally, the causes of obesity is either constant overeating, hereditary of carelessness.

In order to lose weight check this site for sure

Weight loss is equal to fat loss.

Fat is a solid oily substance found in part of animal body, me and you are no exception. Many people has directly or indirectly, ignorantly of consciously reserve a lot of fat in their body: stomach, chick, buttock, thigh, and other parts. This make them overweight. The best way to burn this fat is to engaged in low-intensity endurance exercise. This is the best way to lose fat in our body and weight too. We know that exercise required energy measured in calorie. Few people knows that the length of time you spend on exercise determine the fat you use to power your movement. This programe is design for you check it

After 30 minutes of continuous exercise, your body will burns more fats that glycogen (sugar) it stored in your body system. The moment you body make use of the ready energy stores in your body, your body turns to the stored fat to power your movement and thus start the reduction of fat in your body. So, burned fat make your weight to be reduced.

Duration of the exercise is more important that the exertion. You have a choice. You can choose intense activity over a short period of time (say running half a kilometer) or low intensity of activity for a longer period of time (say walking 2 kilometers). If you want to lose weight and gain health benefit: low intensity long time movement of walking 2 kilometers is the best way to burn your fat and lose weight.

A strenuous exercise will not take you over the thirty minutes minimum required to begin burning more fats than glycogen as fuel. for example, short out burst of exertion can be healthy and dangerous. A sudden and intense exertion shock our body system and raise blood pressure which is dangerous to the heart

A long walk is more healthier, supportive and slimming than a quick jog. A long walk of about 2 kilometer in 1 hour or more will burn more fat than a quick run of 10 minute on 1,500 meter distance.

Do not attempt to lose weight by burning your fat too soon, it hurt rather than heal. But think about your health and how to lose your weight too.

Hi! do you want to loss fats in your body and still retain your beauty? check this site

Weight reducing diet.

Obesity s as a result of taking in too much calories, what can take this excess pound of weight is the right exercise and proper diet without side effect. Weight can be reduced through physical labor and exercise because it stimulate metabolism and the consumption of fat and the synthesis of muscle protein. In reality, it is a proper diet that controls the amount of calories that a person takes. If you want to reduce your weight with diet, follow this points. And this programme too

1. keep the amount of calories that you take each day at the lowest level. Your doctor can help you but i can remember that I have given you the calories of some food in my past article please you can refer to it. If you are not overweight, you can adjust the intake of your calories yourself, if not your doctor can help you. The secret is that if you can reduce your drinking and eating habit, you can lose about half kilogram a month.

2. To reduce your daily calories mean to cutting the amount of carbohydrate and fats, sugar and food made with sugar, animal oil and wine together with liquors are strictly to be forbidden. It is necessary to take a small amount of food made of coarse grains that has enough vitamins and inorganic salts but with low calories; or better still take less vegetables oil.

3.Hunger often accompanied weight reduction, in order to ease this, eat various low calories vegetable, or food that expand such as popcorn.

4. When you reduce the amount of calories, it reduces your body fats. Hence you need to consume protein and other non-fats food. The amount of protein you need is determined by your body weight. It is usually one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. The ideal and good food as weight reducing diet is bean products, eggs, dairy product,lean meat, fowl and fish.

5. Adjust your former diet. A pound of flab ( grain or others) is about 3500 calories, so you can replace this with black coffee, this will help you lose weight. Stop the consumption of salad dressing because of its enormous content of fats. Food that are high in sugar content should be replaced with those that are low in sugar content. Drink water instead of soda; use mustard instead of mayo. Replace beef of pork with salmon, sardine or fresh tuna, they are excellent source of antioxidant. Eat well to lose weight and stay healthy

This programe will help you reduce your weight. check it now

Weight loss : strategy that works

You can adapt these strategies if you want to lose weight happily .You will have to underscore your strategy on the intake of calorie and adjust your exercise to maintain your desire result.

You can put in effort for more training and dieting as it is convenient and comfortable for you. A weight gained can be toned to muscle and not fat. Weight training under any age help to prevent muscle atrophy and put off osteoporosis.

If you decide to diet and sincerely believe that it will make you to lose weight, why not go on it? you need to have confidence in yourself. This will not allow you to cheat on your diet . During dieting, avoid chocolate, ice cream, and other cookies. these foods taste good but they are unhealthy to you.

You need to set a goal for yourself and endeavor to achieve it. Evaluate your effort fairly and objectively. If you fail to meet your target, find out why this is so, after all, you are not under pressure. Do not be discouraged; look ahead to the next week exercise or diet and try to be at your best. Strictly adhere to your laid down plan

There are expert in the field of weight loss. What are demanded from you are your consistency, self-discipline and motivation . To loss weight effectively, you need to tenaciously hold to your weight loss plan. When you are alone, visualize how better you will have been 6 months to come.

I am emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise in weight loss. The combination is inevitable for those whose intention is to stay healthy in mind and body. Although it may demand you spending some money. If you cannot buy your own machine why not attend sport center or gymnasium where weight reduction training are been offered at reduced price. there are other indoor training that I will like to introduce to you latter.

But remember, do not fail to plan, so that you will not plan to fail

If you are looking for a strategy to lose weight: click here.

Weight loss: Spirulina and lecithin

some people attached much important to spirulina and lecithin. This however are not good supplement for weight loss.

Spirulina are dried algae, it is a nice fiber source and a small amount of mineral and vitamins; but not a magic for weight loss.

On the other hand, lecithin is a fat, derived from soybeans, yolk of egg and corn. It is mainly used in items as chocolate, and cosmetic makeups as an emulsifier. Emulsifier is a substance that is capable of holding water and fat together. Contrary to believe, lecithin does not help us to brake down fat during digestion. As such, lecithin cannot help you to lose weight and cannot protect you against heart diseases or even lower blood cholesterol as people claimed. The benefit of lecithin is that it contain choline. And choline has been shown to help people improve memory and it is essential in the formation of brain neurotransmitter which control memory function

In this part of the world, I do not know if we can do away with self medication. Most of us are guilty of this and hence the severity of illness. Do you believe you can loose weight or you cannot gain weight if you can eat between 800 to 1000 calories on daily basis. I have explained before that vitamin does not provide energy. To get or to lose energy, what you need to adjust is the intake of calories. If you want to lose weight, do not expect a miracle, be truthful to yourself and be patience too. Make sure the weight you are trying to reach is healthy to you. In the first instance, how much weight do you intent to loss monthly? You need a good plan so as to lose that weight. But take note spiriluna and lecithin is not a supplement to lose weight.

This Weight loss programe is available for everybody click here.

Weight loss: what about fasting diet?

Actually, fasting is a spiritual exercise and not a physical one. Fasting is nothing but starvation. It causes protein wasting from the heart, liver, kidneys, skin and muscle. Fasting diet can also cause weakness, dizziness, headaches, ketosis and attack of gout. Fasting diet is not so good a way to loss weight. You have choice, you can decide to fast, take away weight rapidly and risk illness or you can take it off at a reasonable clip and safeguard your health and your look at the same time. One of the most dangerous way to lose weight is to go fasting.

In the past I learn that fasting can help reduce weight if done by eliminating the risk, What risk? You may ask. Risk of over fasting and starvation. You can observe fasting for the purpose of losing weight if done systematically. You can do it by skipping a meal, say you can eat breakfast, skip lunch and eat supper. This is possible with discipline and commitment only.

Fasting diet is not ideal to those who are not conversant with it. Fasting is always associated with religious rite and ritual and it should not be be considered as a a proven way of loosing weight. There are no medical report pointing to the fact that fasting is the best way of loosing weight. If you want to loose weight, and you prefer fasting that you have not done before I will advise you to consult your doctor.

If fasting diet should be another way of loosing weight, then you need to involve your doctor to know the effect it may portend to your body system. If your doctor is to help you to loose your weight, I know that fasting will be the last option for him to recommend. The reason is that it is hardly to fast and do other work if you are not used to it.

Take a survey about fasting diet, you will notice that more than 99% will not opt for this because fasting diet is not back up by any medical report neither does world health organization support it. Finally, I have not heard from any health research institute about fasting diet. People might have heard this from those religious bigot. So to save yourself from health hazard stay away from fasting diet propounded, or invented by religious house. Beware, stay healthy, and stay safe and long life.

If you intend to loss weight CLICK HERE

Weight loss program

To loose weight and to start protecting your health, follow my meal plan. Follow this plan to the letter. Never substitute it to any meal and see how fast you will loose some pound weekly.

1.Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement every day. The multivitamin should contain the RDAs (recommended daily allowance), these are usually printed at the pack of any multivitamin capsule. The major ones are: Vitamin A, 50000 I.U. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), 1-2mg. Vitamin 6 (pyridoxine) 2mg. Vitamin B12 3mcg Folic acid 400mcg Vitamin C 60 mg, Vitamin D 200 I.U, Vitamin E 15 I. U. Iron 10mg, Zinc15 mg. Calcium 0-200mg.

2.Drink about 6 glasses of water a day. Water is essential for the body system and as such you need to choose from these: mineral water, sparkling water or tap water. Diet soda water is not recommended.

3.Take calcium supplement on daily basis. If you are 50 years of age or older, you need more Recommended Daily Allowance than the youth. The better is calcium carbonate antacid tablets which are free in sodium and those not contain aluminum hydroxide.

4. Avoid sugar in your diet. Instead use honey and avoid saccharin.

5. If you want to eat bread, eat whole grain or whole wheat.

6. In your food, prefer fresh fruit, vegetables and fish. Second best is frozen food while canned foods should be your last choice.
If taken, it should be low sodium and sugar free as possible.

7. About oil, use soft margarine, corn oil, olive oil,safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil and peanut oil. Avoid hydrogenated margarine, coconut oil, or palm oil. Eat raw and unsalted nuts.

The way you eat and exercise yourself help a lot in loosing weight. If you eat a large dinner and the go to bed for the night, you will gain more weight or lose less than if you eat and stay active for a period after the meal. The fact is that the unburned calories will be stored as fat. It is beneficial for us to spread our calories throughout the day than concentrating it on a meal.

Remember that I advice you to take multivitamins and mineral supplement; in case you cannot get exactly what I recommend above, you can get any thing similar to these at any pharmacy. Do not worry, you can get others that are similar, take it and feel free it may contains other minerals that I do not mentioned.


Weight loss diet: Calorie contents in food

Calories is a unit measuring how much energy that a food can produce. This is the energy content of food. If you can reduce about 500 calories a day or in 2 days from the food you take; this will help you loss about a pound or half of a kilogram of your unwanted weight. If you reduce your intake calories of food consistently, you will have achieve a tremendous success per week

I know you want to eat to loose weight, then you need to dictate the composition of your daily meal. To this end, i have some scintillating compilation that will assist you in planning your daily intake of food.

Oatmeal bread and cereal contains 200 calories in one and half ounces of oatmeal. This meal has a good and inexpensive protein. High in fiber; decent iron source and a good source of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B

Bran bread and cereal: 105 of calories per cup of bran flakes or per bran muffin. This food has a complex carbohydrate and the best source of dietary fiber. High in potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B and E. Beware of the bran cereal that contain much sugar and sodium. Check the label of the food you buy.

Brown rice contain 77 calories in half cup of rice. Brown rice is a good source of iron and magnesium 3 to 4 times the dietary fiber of white rice, 2 to 3 times the zinc and potassium , 5 times the vitamin E of refined rice.

Pasta is 190 calories per cup of cooked spaghetti, it is a good source of fiber, vitamin B and iron. Shredded wheat cereal has 90 calorie per biscuit while whole wheat bread has 65 calorie per slice. This contain superb complex carbohydrate and a good source of fiber. It also contain zinc, chromium and magnesium nutrients removed from white bread.

Artichokes contain 15 calories per 3 ounces, Alfalfa sprouts contain 27 calories per cup.
Asparagus contain 30 calories per cup, Beans sprout contain 35 calories per cup, Belgian endive contain 10 calories per cup, Broccoli contain 40 calories per cup, Brussels sprout contain 55 calories per cup, cabbage contain 30 calories per cup, Carrot contain 50 calories per cup, Cauliflower contain 30 calories per cup, Chick peas contain 85 calories per 2 ounce. All this and many more vegetables and legume contain good sources of divers fiber and various nutrients.

Sweet potato contain 170 calorie per potato, Raw almond contain 6 calories per almond
Apple contain 80 calories per apple. Banana contain 100 calories per banana. Food are many, but space will not allow me. Plan well and see how effective less calorie intake will help you loose weight.

Before you check out take a look at this programme; it will help you.

Weight loss Technique – excuses to avoid

It is easy to gain weight than to lose it. There are various excuses from weighty people; but, there is no problem without solution.

There is nothing worth doing that does not demand pain and discipline from us. Some people give blatant excuse about the diet needed by those who want to get slim. They say that it is too costly. They fail to realized that most of the food they eat is more expensive than the one needed to slim down. Meat is more costly than vegetable, and most fatty people prefer meat to vegetable; but to loose weight, we need more of vegetable than meat.
I have already mentioned this in my first article. So, cut down your intake of some food why substituting it with others irrespective of its price.

People often complain that in order to loose weight fast, much preparation is needed. Why not? To achieve anything, good planning is inevitable. To ameliorate weight problem,
you need to plan your intake of meal, if you fail to plan, you have planed to fail. Whose fault then?

My spouse spend more time on dinning table – is another excuse by one of my friend. If that is true and you are prone to gain weight by staying long on the dinning table why not control yourself. You should learn to eat less and spend little time at the dinning table. After all nobody force yours mouth open with food down you throat to your stomach, but yourself.

Do we live to eat? No, we eat to live. The food we eat should not be an hindrance to our life as it does to some. Instead of spending more time on intellectual ventures like reading and writing, some spend much time eating, drinking and merriment. This is not bad, but it is, when done at the expense of and detriment to our good health. If you wish to loose weight, control yourself.

Do you think i can be smart again? Is another questionable excuses. If you think you can , why not, you can. Do all you can by the knowledge at your disposal. That is why am here to enlighten you to stop those excuses of yours. Life is a challenge and you must take it as such. Do you intend to loose weight? More tips to come.

For a good weight loss technique CLICK HERE FOR DETAIL

Weight loss - the plan

Several people on this earth who have weight more than their body can cope, find it difficult to loose it. This might be due to ignorant in the part of the person, the environment they find themselves or total negligence. There are several way somebody can loose weight. It ranges from medical to physical, traditionally to culturally and arcane system to modern systems, and psychologically too, depending where ones belong or find himself.

Psychologically, a person that is consistent, determined, discipline, self motivated, and optimistic can reduce his or her weight to considerable and acceptable size.

Overweight people are more prone to some sickness than those who are slim. They are, in most case as sluggish as a snail hence they are conspicuous in the society.
People who want to shed their weight need to drink plenty of water and do exercises.

Anybody can loose weight either by decreasing the calorie intake or increasing the numbers of calories to be burn. I mean that to loose weight fast you need a well planed exercise by an expert. Moderate high level aerobic exercises with divers machine burns calories fast as well as keeping the heart healthy. This type of exercises can be done between 3 to 5 days per week.

If i need to slim down a little, i will not eat much as i use to do before. I will simply avoid food that contain cholesterol and i will seek the advise of a medical expert. Be that as it may, that is me, but one man's meet might be another man's poison. I may not be so with you over there.

Generally, if you want to loose your weight, I have a lot of tips , I will advise you to plan your meal as a matured man or woman, if it is your child that is overweight i will tell you to help plan his or her meal well. Try to reduce the intake of fry food, substitute macaroni and cheese with much fresh vegetable. Vegetable are generally low in calories, high in fiber vitamins and full of natural flavor and nutrition

There is need for you to check your weight often as this will keep you abreast of the measure you had taken and will enable you to plan for your near future.